Scale and performance in a distributed file system
‘Scale and performance in a distributed file system’ by Howard et al. was published in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems in 1988. The paper describes the Andrew File System (AFS). AFS is a distributed file system which was developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to support its users but went on to become widely used at many other universities and organizations (and it is still used at CMU :)). AFS was a contemporary of NFS but focused more on scale, which led to fundamentally different design choices, e.g., in caching.
Basic architecture: AFS consists of a set of file servers that store the shared data of the file system — these servers are referred to as Vice. Multiple clients can access the shared data by communicating with the Vice servers. Each client runs a process called Venus that acts as a go-between for the applications on the client machines and the file servers.
AFS uses file-level caching. When a client application opens a file, Venus reads the entire file from the Vice servers and stores it on the client’s disk, i.e., it caches the entire file at the client. All subsequent reads and writes to the file become cache-hits and proceed as if the file is present on a local file system, without any involvement of Venus. Once the application closes the file, Venus checks whether the file was updated by the application and updates it on the Vice server. Venus maintains this file-cache using an LRU eviction scheme — the file used farthest in the past is removed from the cache to reclaim cache space.
The choice of file-level caching was a deviation from the then-prevalent design of block-level caching. For example, NFS used block-level caching, and so did all but one of the distributed file systems surveyed by the authors at the time of writing the paper. Distributed file systems with block-level caching provide lower-latency access to a file because they don’t have to read an entire file before an application can access the file. On the flip side, file-level caching provides higher throughput access to the file data for applications that access multiple blocks in the file. This is because there is only a single network communication at the time of the file open. Reduced communications to the server also help with scaling, as the server is less utilized, which was one of the main goals of AFS.
AFS’s design was modified based on the experiences with a deployed prototype version of AFS. We will discuss the design elements that were limiting the AFS prototype performance and how the authors modified the design to improve performance.
Server process architecture: In the AFS prototype, each Venus client had a corresponding process in the Vice server. The process was initialized and terminated when the client initiated and terminated a network connection with a Vice server. The one-process-per-client design offered strong fault isolation — a process crash would affect only a single client. However, the design caused Vice servers to hit resource limits (there are limits to the number of processes that a server can support). Additionally, the inter-process context switch overhead was a limiting factor for the server performance.
To address this, AFS designers eschewed the one-process-per-client design in favor of a thread-pool like design. In a thread-pool design there is a fixed number of threads on the server. Each thread takes up a work item, processes that, and moves on to the next work item. For AFS, a work item corresponds to a request from a client. In addition to reducing the context switch overhead, using threads also led to simpler shared state management as threads (unlike processes) can use shared memory.
Callbacks to reduce network communications: The largest fraction of network communication in the AFS prototype came from cache validation requests. Before accessing any cached file on the client, Venus would check the modification timestamp (mtime) of the file with the Vice server. This was to ensure that client applications do not consume data from a stale copy of the file. A high amount of network requests is an impediment to scalability, so the AFS designers wanted to reduce the number of cache validation requests.
To reduce the number of cache validation network requests, AFS introduced the concept of callbacks. A callback is a contract between the server and the client that stipulates that the server would let the client know if a file cached at the client has been updated at the server. With callbacks, the client does not have to validate its cache before using it and it assumes that the cache is valid unless told otherwise by the server. Although callbacks require the server to be stateful (i.e., maintain information about what clients have callbacks on what files), the authors note that the added complexity of stateful servers was worth the performance boost from reduced network traffic.
Logical volumes abstraction: An operational problem with the AFS prototype was its use of stub directories to stitch together the data stored at different servers. Consider a path /user/aha/images/cat.jpeg
. Further consider that server A stores the data for /user/aha
and server B stores the data for /images
. For AFS to export the desired path (/user/aha/images/cat.jpeg
), server A stores a stub directory named images
under /user/aha
. A stub directory means that it does not actually contain the data, but rather it contains the information about where to find the relevant data, i.e., server B in this case. Using stub directories, the location of data was embedded in the file system tree itself. However, because the file system tree was glued together arbitrarily using such stub directories, it was difficult to move data around. If a server was running low on space, moving part of the data to a new server would require a lot of operational effort to create and update stub directories.
To improve the operability, AFS introduced the concept of volumes. A volume was a logical abstraction for a collection of files and directories, and typically a volume stored data for a single user. AFS also started using a dedicated location database to avoid embedding the volume location information in the file system tree. The use of volumes helped in keeping the location database to a manageable size (storing the location of each file, instead of each volume, would have required more space). Volumes also served as the granularity for other data management functionalities like per-user space quotas, backups and read-only replication.
Reducing path lookup overhead: The last source of performance overhead, as observed in the AFS prototype, was the use of file-paths for server-client communications. For any operation on a file, Venus passed the entire filename to the Vice server and it was the responsibility of the Vice server to convert the file path to an inode number for accessing the file data. Measurements with the prototype deployment showed that these path lookups were CPU-intensive, leading to high CPU utilization on the Vice servers.
In the new AFS design, the name resolution work was delegated to the clients, and server-client communications used a fid instead of a file path. A fid is a combination of the volume number, vnode number and generation number. Each of these three components of fid serve a purpose similar to the file handle in NFS. The volume number is used to identify the server hosting the data (using the location database), the vnode is used to identify a file within the volume, and the generation number is used to enable safe reuse of vnode numbers as files are deleted. As an aside, a vnode is an abstraction for an inode — since each file system has its own inode structure, the operating system uses vnode as a common data structure to support multiple file systems. The vnode contains a pointer to the inode, which is ultimately used for the file system operations.
End-to-end working example: The paper provides an example of the end-to-end working of an AFS file access. Suppose a user on a Venus client wants to access a file with pathname /user/aha/afs.txt
. The kernel, upon identifying that the file belongs to an AFS, will pass the control to Venus. One of Venus’ threads would perform the following steps:
- For each successive component in the path P (i.e., for
, and/user/aha/afs.txt
), Venus will check that the component is in the cache and has a callback established on it. If not, Venus would contact the Vice server to bring the component in the cache and establish a callback on it. After this step, the entire path and the file are in the cache with established callbacks. - Venus hands over control to the kernel and user’s access to the file continues as if the file was present on a local file system.
- Once the user closes the file, Venus takes over once again and writes back the file if it was updated.
Note that Venus uses fid instead of path names to communicate with the Vice server. The Vice server is unaware of path names and only understands fid. It is the responsibility of the Venus client to convert the path components to fid.
Cache-consistency: AFS’s file-level caching and callbacks offer a clean cache-consistency semantics. When the server receives an updated file, it informs all the clients that have the corresponding file cached with a callback that the file has been updated. This is referred to as the server breaking the callback. The responsibility of getting the updated copy of the file is left to the client.
If two clients are concurrently updating the same file, AFS offers a last writer wins semantic. Suppose client A and client B are both updating the same file. Consider that client A closes the file first and flushes its updates to the server. The server would send a callback break to client B. Further consider that for some reason, client B ignores the callback break and continues to update the file. When client B closes the file and flushes it to the server, it would “win” in the sense that its updates will overwrite any of the updates from client A. Realistically, such scenarios can occur in race conditions wherein both the clients close the file near instantaneously and before client B receives the callback break from client A’s updates, it sends its update to the server — in such a case the last write from client B would win.
Concluding thoughts: The AFS paper is a great demonstration of a measurement and data-driven research methodology. The authors deployed an initial version, collected data from it, and used that to design an improved version, which is how systems are really built and operated. The design elements of AFS, e.g., file-level caching, callbacks, thread pools, provide useful insights into building scalable distributed (file-)systems.
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